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Forget those YouTubevertorials. Google is no longer joking around when it comes to turning YouTube into real business that, you know, makes money. YouTube on its own would rank as the second Online magazine of news, politics, technology, and culture. Combines humor and insight in thoughtful analyses of current events and political news. Animal Sex Is Dangerous and Horrifying. So Why Does Sex Exist at All? Deep-sea anglerfish females like this one dwarf the males, so much so that the male doesn’t even look like the same species. Ars Technica. Feature Story. This year may finally fulfill the promise of private human spaceflight. Big and small rockets. The Moon and Mars. Lots of asteroid stuff, too. The Atlantic covers news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more, through its articles, podcasts, videos, and flagship magazine.

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23-year-old Harrison Torres of Woodside has been charged with rape, sexual abuse, promoting a sexual performance by a child and other crimes, said Acting Queens District Attorney John Ryan. New

One the most intriguing and mysterious creatures on the planet—the giant squid—has finally had its genome fully sequenced. But while the genome is helping to explain many of its distinguishing 'I know everything about my 15-year-old daughter's sex life and I hate it' As a study shows children aged 12 to 13 have been in sexual videos and are addicted to porn, one mother says she has no Knives Out director Rian Johnson picks the three things you need to watch right now, including a hit HBO show, an indie pick, and a film that is perfectly named.. Watch now Forget those YouTubevertorials. Google is no longer joking around when it comes to turning YouTube into real business that, you know, makes money. YouTube on its own would rank as the second Online magazine of news, politics, technology, and culture. Combines humor and insight in thoughtful analyses of current events and political news.